It’s hard asking for help. We understand. We hope the services below can make life a little easier as you deal with your challenges. Please look over the information to determine if our agency can help you. If you don’t see what you’re looking for below, please call United Way’s 2-1-1. They take calls 24/7!
We wish you the best of luck. We pray you find the strength and resources you need to get through this difficult time.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance appointments for rent, utilities and security deposits are processed through United Way’s 2-1-1. Calls are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but appointments are limited.
Please bring housing proof to validate you have a place to cook. Acceptable documents are a current JEA bill (can use your phone to pull up your account) or rent receipt dated within 30 days or an active rental lease.
Please note that DESC closes in observation of most national holidays.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Please bring IDs for all in the household. Once checked in, you will most likely need to wait about 20 – 30 minutes.
Please note that DESC closes in observation of most national holidays.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Work Boots/Case Management
We are happy to provide one pair of work boots a year for those who need them for their employment or to find a job. Boots are distributed on Mondays starting at 9 a.m. We have a limited amount we can provide. Additionally, we have a case worker who might be able to work with you on a longer-term basis.
Phone Support
Our volunteer operators answer the phones Monday through Friday and can offer limited information and referral assistance. Please call (904) 358-7955. The city’s primary information and referral line is operated by United Way of Northeast Florida. Please call 2-1-1.