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Client Stories: Mike

September 9, 2016
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Client Stories: Mike

September 9, 2016

Some months ago a young man, Mike, showed up at DESC. He was hungry and tired. He said he was just an ordinary guy but had hit some very bad luck. DESC gave him groceries to help get his energy and his spirits up.

Mike returned, but not to ask for more groceries. Instead, he shared he was working again and back on his feet, financially. He had simply returned to thank DESC for the help we provided during his time of crisis. Mike also gave DESC a financial gift, so we could help others.

“I want to give back because you (DESC) helped me out when I was down.”

DESC’s services are crucial to fight homelessness in Jacksonville. We strive to serve others and help them to maintain their dignity. Please consider supporting our cause by donating money, items or your time.


– See our Always Need List


*Name changed for client’s privacy.