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Diaper Drive: Minute for Mission

April 14, 2016
« DESC News

Diaper Drive: Minute for Mission

April 14, 2016

By Nancy Chamblin

Every day, people walk down dark steep stairs into a crowded fluorescent waiting room with a few folding chairs and run right smack dab into the Beautitudes. DESC people are uneducated, poor, mostly unemployed, often homeless, nutritionally insecure (that means hungry), powerless, invisible; many are sick in body and in spirit.

If they are “the least of these, ” DESC babies are “the least of the least of these.” They are pretty much like your babies; they gurgle, they cry, they smile, they’re just sweet cute little babies. But already they are caught in the same spiral of poverty that claimed their parents.

Just like your babies, they need formula and food and wipes and diapers. Except, for so many reasons, their fathers can’t just stop by the store on their way home from work and pick up diapers. DESC babies need so much and have so little. One woman told me she dries out diapers and uses them again. This is BABY MONTH at Riverside Presbyterian.

At DESC, our babies need diapers, especially the larger sizes. So, when you stop by the store on your way home from work, please pick up diapers for a DESC baby. Blessed are the poopy. Thank you.